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  • Due No due date
  • Points 100
This assignment is part of the module MODULO 2: En la universidad and hasn't been unlocked yet.


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Final Oral Exam Rubric
Final Oral Exam Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Language Function: Language tasks the speaker is able to handle in a consistent, comfortable, sustained, and spontaneous manner
threshold: pts
20 to >17.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Creates with language by combining and recombining known elements; is able to express personal meaning in a basic way. Handles successfully a number of uncomplicated communicative tasks in straightforward social situations, primarily in concrete exchanges and topics necessary for survival in target-language cultures.
17 to >15.0 pts
Meets Expectations: Strong
Uses mostly memorized language with some attempts to create. Handles a limited number of uncomplicated communicative tasks related to basic personal information and some activities, preferences, and immediate needs
15 to >13.0 pts
Meets Expectations: Minimal
Uses memorized language only, familiar language.
13 to >0 pts
Does not meet Expectations
Has no real functional ability.
20 pts
Quantity and organization of language discouse: Continuum, word-phrase-sentence-connected sentences-paragraph, extended discouse
threshold: pts
20 to >17.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Uses simple sentences and some strings of sentences.
17 to >15.0 pts
Meets Expectations: Strong
Uses some simple sentences and memorized phrases.
15 to >13.0 pts
Meets Expectations: Minimal
Uses words, phrases, chunks of language, and lists.
13 to >0 pts
Does not meet Expectations
Uses isolated words.
20 pts
Communication Strategies: Quality of engagement and interactivity; how one participates in the conversation and advances it; strategies for negotiating meaning in the face of breakdown of communication
threshold: pts
20 to >17.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Responds to direct questions and requests for information. Asks a few appropriate questions, but is primarily reactive. May try to restate in the face of miscommunication.
17 to >15.0 pts
Meets Expectations: Strong
Responds to basic direct questions and requests for information. Asks a few formulaic questions but is primarily reactive. May clarify by repeating and/or substituting different words.
15 to >13.0 pts
Meets Expectations: Minimal
Responds to a limited number of formulaic questions. May use repetition or resort to English.
13 to >0 pts
Does not meet Expectations
Is unable to participate in a true conversational exchange.
20 pts
Comprehenisibility: Who can understand this person's language? Sympathetic listeners used to interacting with non-natives?
threshold: pts
20 to >17.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Is generally understood by those accustomed to interacting with non-natives, although repetition or rephrasing may be required.
17 to >15.0 pts
Meets Expectations: Strong
Is understood with occasional difficulty by those accustomed to interacting with non-natives, although repetition or rephrasing may be required.
15 to >13.0 pts
Meets Expectations: Minimal
Is understood, although often with difficulty, by those accustomed to interacting with non-natives.
13 to >0 pts
Does not meet Expectations
Most of what is said may be unintelligible or understood only with repetition.
20 pts
Language Control: Grammatical accuracy, appropriate vocabulary, degree of fluency
threshold: pts
20 to >17.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Is most accurate when producing simple sentences in present time. Pronunciation, vocabulary, and syntax are strongly influenced by native language. Accuracy decreases as language becomes more complex.
17 to >15.0 pts
Meets Expectations: Strong
Is most accurate with memorized language, including phrases. Accuracy decreases when creating and trying to express personal meaning.
15 to >13.0 pts
Meets Expectations: Minimal
Accuracy is limited to memorized words. Accuracy may decrease when attempting to communicate beyond the word level.
13 to >0 pts
Does not meet Expectations
Has little accuracy, even with memorized words.
20 pts
Total Points: 100 out of 100